Friday, January 11, 2008

My sister had some testing done

She did some more bloodwork and had an ultrasound done by a specialist, and he said that there doesn't appear to be any indications that her baby has down's syndrome. They also were able to find out that the baby is a girl! She has two boys and one girl now.

I was finally able to straighten out the insurance situation. What a gigantic hassle!

I went on a job interview yesterday. I've been working as a preschool teacher out of my home for five years now, and I really don't want to give it up, but $$$ has been tight for most of that time too, and I felt like I needed to at least explore this opportunity. My BIL works at the company and sort of got me the interview, but I'm o.k. with that. LOL The interview went pretty well. I'll hear back at the end of the month.

Of course, I worry a little bit about the pregnancy and what that would mean if I needed to take a six week maternity leave only six months after taking the position. And when I was working when my girls were small, I always took a twelve week maternity leave. There is no way that I could take off that long if I took this position, not to mention, any leave I took would be mostly unpaid, and we couldn't afford for me to not be bringing in any $$ for more than a couple of weeks.

But I've decided for the most part to not worry about all that. Who knows whether this pregnancy will last and who knows whether I'll even get the job.

I wish that there was more things that I DID know as I went through this journey called Life. It would certainly make things less stressful.

I have an OB appointment next Friday. They will do an ultrasound to check for a heartbeat, and if there is a heartbeat, do loads of bloodwork.

-Andie (5W4D)

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