Friday, March 21, 2008

I had the ultrasound and amnio on Tuesday

I did have my ultrasound & amnio on Tuesday.

There was some potential good news. The specialist did an detailed ultrasound before the amnio. The baby measures on track or ahead of my dates. He saw a 4 chamber heart, a 3 vessel cord, a nasal bone, no cysts on the brain, no spina bifida, etc. He said that if he had seen me just to do the ultrasound, that he would conclude that the baby was a completely normal, healthy baby.

He then gave us the option of doing the amnio now based on the fact that we had a very normal ultrasound. It definitely made the decision much more difficult, but in the end, we decided to go ahead with it. I just felt like I needed to know FOR SURE one way or another, that either the baby was o.k. or it wasn't. At first, I really wanted to believe that the bloodwork was just wrong, and everything was fine, and I didn't need to do the amnio, but I've read enough stories where the ultrasounds didn't show any markers, but yet the baby still had Trisomy 18, so I decided to do it.

I won't lie, for me, the amnio was very uncomfortable. I also had like a constant contraction for several hours afterwards. But by the next morning, the pain was gone. I've had no bleeding or leaking. It's also been really tough because since I had the amnio, I haven't felt anything that I could definitely say "Yep, that's movement" and I was feeling plenty of movement before. It is hard not to worry. I know that everything is most likely o.k., and I'm only 16 weeks anyway, so it isn't like I "should" be feeling consistent movement, but since I was feeling consistent movement last week, and now I'm not really feeling any, it definitely makes me paranoid. I did have a quick check-up at my OBs yesterday though, and they heard the heartbeat, so I'm trying to be reassured by that.

The dr. said he wasn't sure whether my insurance would pay for FISH (preliminary results that test for Trisomy 13, 18 & 21) results. He said that he would submit them, and if they paid for it, we would hear Thursday or Friday, but the office is closed now, so I won't hear anything until next week, even if the FISH results come in. Hopefully Monday. If they don't do FISH, it will be Wed-Thursday of next week. I'm trying to be patient. It seems like all I do is wait anymore anyway.

-Andie (16W2D)

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