Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hello World!

I've been resisting the blog wave until now, but here I am.

I live in a town called Normal. Whenever I am on the phone ordering something or whatever, and they ask for my city, I say Normal. Then there is the pause, and you know the person is thinking "Did she say Normal? As in regular, average, run of the mill?" So to make sure, then they ask "How do you spell that, please?" I'm always tempted to say "the normal way" but I don't.

I've been married for almost 11 years, and I have 3 kids - K, who is almost 7; E, who is 4 1/2 (don't forget that 1/2) and S, who is almost 2. K and E are the result of fertility treatments. I conceived K via IUI, and I conceived E via IVF. We weren't preventing but weren't really trying when I got pregnant on my own with S.

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