Friday, February 08, 2008

My dr's office called the other day

and they had me on the schedule with the nurse practicioner, and she is out now on maternity leave and needed to reschedule my appointment. I was afraid that they would make me wait another week, but they changed it from February 15th to February 14th. I will be 10 weeks 6 days on the 14th.

I'm still so stressed out that I'm going to go in and there won't be a heartbeat. I've felt this way every time I've gone in during this pregnancy, and it has always been o.k. But having my last pregnancy end in a miscarriage at 12 weeks and 5 days, well, it does strange things to your mind. I don't think that I'll be able to really relax and feel like I'm going to have a baby until I get past that date. Now my worry is that nipples don't hurt any more, and I feel smaller than I did a few days ago. That was one of my signs that something was wrong last time.

But there isn't really anything I can do but just wait. I haven't had any bleeding or spotting, and if I went in now for an ultrasound, then I'd have to go back in a week to do my NT test because right now, it would still be too early to do it. So I'm better off just waiting the six days and going to appointment. I just keep praying that I'm wrong, and that everything is o.k.

-Andie (10 weeks)

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